Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.
~Mohandas Gandhi
Committed to Increasing Cultural Awareness by showcasing the rich ethnic diversity of India and Promoting Cultural Harmony through Community outreach, Volunteerism & Philanthropy.
9-11 Fund | $4,615 |
Brevard School Foundation | $12,000 |
Candlelighters of Brevard | $16,500 |
Cancer Care/Boys & Girls Club | $1,000 |
Centenial of Veterans | $10,000 |
Children's Hunger Project | $11,187 |
Crosswinds Youth Services | $40,250 |
Daily Bread | $17,025 |
Doctors without Borders | $25,000 |
Early Intervention | $13,250 |
Earthquake Relief(2004-SE Asia,CARE) | $1,000 |
Earthquake Relief(2001-Gujarat,India) | $8,000 |
ESFC Endowment | $100,000 |
FIT- BBC Scholarship | $120,065 |
Grandparents caring Grandchildren | $25,000 |
Habitat of Humanity | $7,500 |
Haiti Earthuake Relief, Russka Orphanage | $220,645 |
Hindu Temple, Brevard | $250 |
Hurricane Michael Relief | $8,000 |
IASC Volunteers | $15,674 |
Manav Mandir, Brevard | $486,001 |
Meals on Wheels | $3,000 |
Miami Bridge Foundation | $25,000 |
Orissa, India(2003-Flood Relief) | $1000 |
Promise in Brevard | $61,704 |
Red Cross, Brevard County | $4,000 |
Red Cross(2004-Tsunami,Indonesia) | $4,439 |
Red Cross(Palm Bay Firefighters) | $979 |
Red Cross(2008-Midwest Flood Relief) | $2,500 |
Serene Harbor | $13,700 |
Shriners of Brevard | $7,500 |
Spot Light Theater | $1,001 |
Space Coast Marine Institute | $2,000 |
Vietnam Veterans of America | $3,500 |
Yellow Umbrella | $12,500 |
Youth Outreach-WDNH | $250 |
Total Donations | $1,286,035 |